๐Ÿ“ŠSpecial Projects circle


  • Comms

  • Distribution

  • Community and relationship building

  • Ongoing campaigns

  • Events

Circle vision

The Cable reaches our members, existing readers and beyond through our public facing communications across social media and print, membership campaigns, distribution and through our engaging events.

We have a strong stream of new members and readers, amplifying the impact of our journalism and helps us meet other aims like redefining local journalism.

Community engagement is woven into our editorial approach and strategy development. The Bristol Cable has good relationships with members and a range of communities and organisations, who all feel invested in our work and the Co-op. Volunteers, including our board, have a rewarding experience of contributing to the Cable via events, comms, journalism and serving as a director.

We run informative and empowering community meetings that engage the city in conversations about our work, deepen the democracy of the Co-op, raise our profile and bring in revenue.


  1. Manage ongoing projects that fall outside the remit of other circles e.g. Future of Cities

  2. Community relationships management

  3. Oversee relationship building and maintenance that falls outside the remit of other circles (e.g. relationships not held by media, fundraising)

  4. Oversee calendar administration

  5. Support comms including with

    1. End of year comms

    2. Print comms

    3. Co-op newsletter

    4. Editorial newsletter

  6. Oversee the management of the member inbox

  7. Support events including with:

    1. The AGM

    2. AiF events

    3. Launch events

  8. Oversee the maintenance and, where relevant, development of the membership system

  9. Support distribution delivery

  10. Oversee membership development strategy, in partnership with Revenue


  • Events

  • Distribution delivery

  • Newsletters

  • Social Media comms

  • Co-op comms i.e. print co-op updates and member letter, Cable Community News (โ€˜blogโ€™)

  • Membership strategy

Last updated