Annual Leave / Holiday requests
Time away from work is vital for the health of employees – so it’s vital for the health of The Bristol Cable. Time off not only reduces stress, it has been shown to improve productivity once employees
How to book time off
Check the team calendar and speak with relevant colleagues in case there might be work that needs to be covered, and make sure that work can be covered.
Notify the team on the #time-off channel about the dates you’d like to book off. Give the team at least a week to respond and flag any potential issues. If no one responds, you can assume it's fine to take that leave.
Input your leave into the Leave Log
Input your leave on the Google Team Leave Calendar
Remember to
Remind team that you'll be away - post in #workshedules on Slack on the last day before your leave
Set up out of office reply on email
Enjoy your leave and don’t work while you’re away!
How do I book unpaid leave?
Workers are also entitled to three weeks unpaid leave in addition to annual leave, with team consent. The process for requesting extra leave is the same as for requesting annual leave, with the addition of also informing the finance coordinator.
What if I’m sick during my time off for holiday?
You can claim back the annual leave! You’ll need to get proof of your sickness from a GP though (a medical certificate). For more details see the sickness leave policy.
What if I haven’t used up my leave by the end of the year?
Up to 2 weeks (in total) can be rolled over at the end of the year. Its important to take your holiday.
What if I have to miss work because of training? Does this count as annual leave?
No, training is under a separate code in the leave log, training is not leave!
What if my holiday plans change at short notice?
Message in the #time-off as soon as you know, if its less then a week contact directly the folks who you work with, normally it should be fine.
What if I need to take time off due to sickness, or a family emergency?
See the sick leave guide, or message the lead of the People circle if you have a family emergency, and they will support you.
This page is maintained by the @people circle
Last updated
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