Health and Safety Policy

  1. Purpose of this document

This document outlines the Bristol Cableโ€™s approach to Health and Safety. This policy exists to assist the Co-op and its staff to:

  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health

  • Manage health and safety risks in our workplace

  • Provide clear instructions and information to support employees to conduct their work safely

  • Consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety

  • Maintain a safe and healthy work space and working conditions for employees

  • Implement emergency procedures, including evaluation in the case of fire or other significant incident

  • Act as a good and compliant tenant/neighbour at our workplace Review and revise this policy regularly

  1. Responsibilities

  1. The Bristol Cable will:

    1. comply with all relevant health and safety legislation;

    2. maintain safe and healthy working conditions;

    3. identify, assess and manage the health and safety risks arising from its work activities;

    4. consult with all employees and seek their cooperation on matters affecting their health and safety;

    5. provide and maintain safe office equipment;

    6. provide information, instruction and supervision for employees, associates, sub-contractors, directors and volunteers;

    7. oversee the implementation and function of a safety management system including fire safety and first aid;

    8. monitor and review this policy periodically.

  1. The People Circle will have responsibility for coordinating:

    1. First aid provision for office working

    2. Ensure there is adequate training of staff to make sure health and safety, fire safety and first aid policies and guidance are adhered to

    3. Health and Safety risk assessments for office working (save as where the Landlord, is responsible)

    4. Maintenance of work environment and equipment (save as where the Landlord is responsible)

    5. Access and availability of relevant risk assessments to each staff member where appropriate

    6. Review, updating and implementation of this policy and other policies/guidance/information relevant to health and safety

  1. In addition the People Circle should be consulted on the following in order to advise on health and safety consideration:

    1. Proposed significant changes to the workplace, working patterns and/or working styles;

    2. Purchase of equipment for the workplace

    3. Purchase of items for inclusion in the office first aid kit.

  1. It is the responsibility of all employees to:

    1. cooperate with the People Circle and with each other on Health and Safety matters;

    2. take reasonable care of their own health and safety and of others such as visitors and volunteers;

    3. report all health and safety concerns to the People Circle.

  1. Health, safety and mitigating risk in the workplace is the responsibility of everyone at the Bristol Cable. Health and safety decisions and monitoring of policy and practices lies with the People Circle lead.

  1. Procedures

    1. Working Patterns

Staff health and wellness being a priority at the Cable, we encourage all staff to regularly interrogate their working environment and working patterns to make sure they are looking after themselves and maintain healthy work-life balance. If necessary or requested, we will:

  • Do an assessment of individual staff working patterns, work undertaken including physical and emotional triggers to maximise physical and mental health at work.

  • Identify and implement changes to the patterns, behaviours and habits as may be helpful

  • Help staff to incorporate health and comfort strategies into daily habits

  1. Workstations

We want to make sure staff are comfortable at workstations and can work effectively. New starters will be given the opportunity to set up their own workstations to fit their own needs and work habits. If necessary, we will:

  • Do an assessment of staff work areas, posture and habits to maximise comfort and well-being

  • Conduct a display screen equipment (DSE) audit.

  • Identify and implement changes to the physical workplace

  • Help staff to incorporate health and comfort strategies into daily habits

  1. Eye care

We only get one pair of eyes, so we need to take care of them. People that use computer screens often report having problems with their eyesight, so we encourage all staff to:

  • Take frequent breaks to prevent eye strain.

  • Screen settings and position: Adjust computer screens to levels of brightness and contrast that are comfortable, to keep the screen clean and free of dust and finger marks, and make sure itโ€™s in a comfortable position to prevent neck and back strain.

Since 1993 EC legislation has placed responsibilities on employers whose employees regularly use Computer screens as part of their work. At the Cable we will:

  • Pay for an eye examination to any employee who requests and at two yearly intervals thereafter (if requested), or more regularly if they are experiencing visual problems which may be due to working with a computer. This will likely take the form of reimbursing staff through our expenses system.

  • Pay for a pair of basic glasses if it is shown by qualified medical professionals that a staff member requires these specifically for computer screen use, or an equivalent amount of money towards a pair of glasses if they prefer a more expensive option.

  • Encourage staff to take breaks to reduce visual fatigue

  • Provide health and safety training information relating to the workstation

  • Keep staff members informed about the Regulations, particularly those relating to eyesight, rest breaks and guidance on workstation minimum requirements.

  1. Risk assessment

  • We will complete relevant risk assessments and take any remedial actions identified.

  • We will review risk assessments when working habits or conditions change

  1. Training

Induction and ongoing training in relevant aspects of health and safety will be provided by the Cable for all employees and directors (including assessing equipment needs, giving information on first aid and fire arrangements).

  1. First aid

A first aid kit is located in the office. Employees are required to notify the People Circle when first aid supplies have been used so that they can be replaced rapidly.

We will endeavour to have trained emergency first raiders on staff and make all staff aware who they are.

  1. Fire safety and and evacuation

It is everyoneโ€™s responsibility to know what to do if an alarm sounds and/or we have to leave the office because of a fire or other emergency.

More information about our fire safety protocols and guidance can be found here: Fire Safety at The Bristol Cable 2024

Staff training and risk assessments are conducted at regular intervals.

  1. Reporting and Investigation

All accidents and incidents need to be recorded and the People Circle Lead should be notified of the accident or incident recorded. The People and Wellbeing Lead will be responsible for submitting a RIDDOR form in the case of a reportable incident.

The People Circle will undertake annual health and safety risk assessments and fire risk assessments and update an ongoing risk register. They will report to the board on an annual basis. The People Circle will update risk assessments yearly or when significant changes to the workplace, the staff, the work, or working styles/patterns indicate a change in risk profile for the workplace.

The People Circle is responsible for analysing sick leave records, investigating work-related causes of sickness absence and reporting to the Board of Directors where a duty of care requires.

The Board of Directors is responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent a recurrence.

Authorisation and revisions

Created 1st June, 2018

Revised July 2021

Revised by Maya Kaufman Jan 2024

Authorised by Coordinators:

Authorised by Directors: March 2024

Policies should be reviewed every 2 years, unless:

  • We approve a proposal that changes the policy

  • Thereโ€™s a change to the organisation that will change the policy

  • Thereโ€™s a change in the law that affects the policy


Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974

Management of Health and Safety at Work, 1999

Risk assessment template

Organisation name: The Bristol Cable

Assessment carried out by:

Date assessment carried out:

What are the


Who might be

harmed and


What are you already doing to

control the risks?

Further actions needed?

Who needs to carry

out the action?

When is the


needed by?

Date completed

Slips and trips

Staff and visitors may be injured if they trip over objects or run into office furniture.

Good general housekeeping.

โ€ข All areas well lit.

โ€ข No trailing leads or cables.

โ€ข Staff keep their work areas clear, eg no

boxes left in walkways, deliveries stored


โ€ข Offices cleaned regularly.

Remind staff to keep the offices clear and tidy.

Find alternative storage for archive boxes.



Feb 2024 and then recurring 6 monthly.

End 2024

Manual handling

of paper, office

equipment, etc

Staff risk injuries or back

pain from handling heavy /

bulky objects, eg deliveries

of paper

Trolleys used to transport boxes of paper

and other heavy items when collecting

deliveries etc.

โ€ข Staff and visitors to use proper technique for lifting and handling heavy loads

Remind staff that they should not try to lift objects that

that look or appear too heavy to handle.


Feb 2024 and then recurring 6 monthly.


Staff and visitors risk injury, illness or death if trapped in a fire.

Fire risk Assessment carried out by the Cable and by the Landlord

Fire Safety guidance published and shared with staff, along with regular verbal training refreshers

Provide staff with refresher training on fire safety and evacuation procedures.

Draft policy/guidance on electrics use.



Feb 2024 and then recurring 6 monthly.

June 2024


Staff could get electrical

shocks or burns from

using faulty electrical

equipment. Electrical faults

can also lead to fires

Not overloading plug sockets and keeping workspaces tidy with no trailing leads.

Landlord inspects and maintains built-in electrics and items in the kitchen.

Draft policy/guidance on electrics use.


June 2024

Display Screen

Equipment (DSE)

Staff risk posture problems

and pain, discomfort or

injuries, eg to their hands

/ arm, from overuse

or improper use or

from poorly designed

workstations or work

environments. Headaches

or sore eyes can also

occur, eg if lighting is poor

Coordinators to make sure they take regular breaks from screen time. 20-20-20 rule.

โ€ข Lighting and temperature suitably controlled.

โ€ข Adjustable blinds at window to control

natural light on screen.

โ€ข Remind laptop/computer users to carry out regular DSE

assessments to avoid problems and identify any issues

If any follow on actions from workstations assessments, Coordinators to address or liaise with the People or Workplace Circles to action.

Include DSE assessment in induction plan

Eye tests provided for those who need them,

dutyholder to pay for basic spectacles for

VDU use (or portion of costs in other cases)


Maya, Will (Team to authorise new H&S policy)

June 2024

June 2024


All staff could be affected

by factors such as high work loads,lack of clarity with job roles/expectation, and interpersonal stressors.

Regular review of accountabilities and roles.

Peer to Peer system set up as support network.

People Circle available to talk to.

Wellbeing and development budgets available.

Ways of working guidance, capability and flourishing policy, codes of conduct to lay down rules and guidance for interpersonal working and office behaviour.

Get Capability and Flourishing Policy signed off.

Update HandBook including codes of conduct and other guidance documents.



June 2024

End 2024

Lone working

Staff could suffer injury or

ill-health while out of the

office, eg when visiting court, interviewing sources, or while

working alone in the office.

Whereabouts posted to #work-schedules channel

Circle members to check in at regular intervals.

Injury or abuse by the public

Staff could be subject to abusive or assaultive behaviour by a member of the public - this could include cyber/phone bullying or in-person abuse on site.

Risk assessments carried out for identified specific risks.

Peer to Peer system set up as support network.

People Circle available to talk to.

Wellbeing and development budgets available.

Safeguarding policy to be finalised and signed off.


June 2024

Last updated

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