Training & Development Policy


Why training is important to the Bristol Cable

The Bristol Cable is fully committed to the continuous development of our staff, in the same way as we continuously develop our organisation. As well as providing in-house training for all staff, continuous development will be achieved by helping all staff identify and meet their own work-related development needs.

To do this, through the peer-to-peer system, our Reviews and regular opportunities for self-reflection and feedback, we will:

  • Ensure that staff have a level of knowledge and skill to fully perform their role(s)

  • Encourage staff to develop within their current role(s) by setting goals, taking on new challenges and accessing training

  • Recognise and celebrate staff development (utilising it wherever possible)

  • Create a learning culture by providing opportunities for reflection and learning

Equal opportunities

All staff are entitled to, and can expect to receive, the training they need to carry out their current roles. The Bristol Cable’s main priority will be towards job-related and statutory training, but we will also encourage individuals to undertake personal & professional development training. This may entail taking professional qualifications; undertaking research into a particular field of interest or experiencing a particular aspect of another job in order to gain an insight into the role and fuller understanding of the work.

Training should not be viewed purely as β€œattending a training course”. There are a variety of different methods that can be used to help train and develop individuals. For example, using open learning materials; e-learning; and reading literature, to name but a few.

Decisions relating to training and development should be made fairly and consistently, and equality of opportunity should be provided for all staff in this area.

Shared responsibilities

The Bristol Cable recognises the need for everyone to learn and develop their skills on a continuous basis and will support individuals to help them achieve this. Equally, the Bristol Cable expects individuals to take on responsibility for their own self-development. For example, identifying suitable training activities (with the help of peers or the People Lead) and adopting a flexible and positive approach to any training and development that is identified with them.

Planning your training

In Reviews, coordinators will discuss and identify training needs. In quarterly goal setting peer-to-peer meetings, coordinators can further discuss their training needs with their peers and update any training plans.

Budget allowance:

There is a budget allocated to each employee (and in some cases for specific Circles) for training and development. The budget amounts are set each year as part of the annual budget, and each employee can expect to receive an equal portion of the training budget for individual training needs (budgets are determined pro-rata to an employee’s working hours).

Reasonable travel costs can be paid for out of the training budget (i.e UK based overland travel on public transport or private car).

Identifying and applying for training

Identifying training

You may be able to search and research training you want to attend, based on development goals you’ve identified in your Review or peer-to-peer meetings.

However, if you’d like support to identify trainings that could help your development, ask the People Lead.

Applying for training

  1. If you’ve identified a training you want to attend, firstly consult with any coordinators who will be impacted by your time away from work. You can do this by:

  • Sharing the dates you’ll be away from work in a team meeting so that other team members can raise any concerns

  • Posting the dates on a relevant slack channel and asking other coordinators to acknowledge receipt and raise any concerns over dates/clashes.

  • Email coordinators with the dates of the training.

  1. If colleagues have approved your time away, contact the People Lead to get final approval for the training. It’s helpful if you can tell the People Lead (either in person or writing)

  • How this training will support your development

  • Why this training offers good value for money compared to other similar trainings

  • Any other reasons you chose this training (e.g. recommendations, reviews)

The People Lead will consent to the training unless they have critical concerns, for example that the training is not in line with the development goals identified through your review; poor value for money; in conflict with Cable aims and values etc.

However, they will talk the decision through with you and see if you can find a way to address any critical concerns.

  1. The People Lead will log trainings.

  2. It’s staff members’ responsibility to make sure that colleagues are aware of the time and dates they’ll be away.

It’s also great if you want to share any learnings or reflections from your training. You can do this online or at the next team meeting. This can help encourage others to take time away from work to attend trainings as well as share learnings that you want to bring back to the Co-op or integrate into your ongoing practice.

Applying to spend more than your assigned budget

Any extension of the agreed allowance must be proposed and consented to by the Coordinator team. In your proposal, you may want to include:

  • Brief description of the training

  • Benefits to the Co-op of you attending the training

  • Proposed budget

  • Your previous training expenditure

  • How much of the overall training budget for this financial year has already been spent or committed.

If writing and preparing a proposal is difficult, you can contact the People Lead to ask for support. The People Lead can make the proposal on your behalf.

A decision to award the extra funding will be made by consent by the staff team, including the proposer, if it’s β€˜good enough for now, safe enough to try’. In some cases it may be appropriate for staff members to contribute to the cost of specific training events, equipment and/or courses. In these situations, we will work with the Coordinator to agree fair and reasonable arrangements.


All training must be logged and necessary receipts must be promptly provided to the Workplace coordinator in the expenses form . Failure to do so will result in the coordinator bearing the sum of any unverified costs.

Authorisation and revisions

Created: June 2018

Revised by: Hannah Vickers and Julia Beasley

Revised by Cait Crosse November 2023

Revised by Maya Kaufman Jan 2024

Authorised by staff team: April 2024

Authorised by Directors: March 2024

Policies should be reviewed every 2 years, unless:

  • We approve a proposal that changes the policy

  • There’s a change to the organisation that will change the policy

  • There’s a change in the law that affects the policy

Archived policies:

Last updated

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