Anti-discrimination Policy

1. Introduction

1.1 We are committed to building a workplace where anyone who wants to build a new approach to journalism that amplifies voices and challenges power can come to work and thrive. We know that in the media, as in wider society, individuals and groups are discriminated against, for example due to their race, sex, class, gender identity or ability. This discrimination is not always immediately obvious or visible. It is always unacceptable.

1.2 As an organisation we aim to create awareness of these issues, including our own role within them, and to address them. This is central to our values and crucial to our success as an organisation.

1.3 As an organisation, we seek to:

  1. Understand our own shortcomings and limitations as an organisation and develop our understanding of experiences other than our own;

  2. Challenge and develop the structures, policies and culture of the Bristol Cable, as well as our own behaviours, to enable all those who work at the Cable to thrive and support the aims of the organisation;

  3. Ensure all aspects of our work will be welcoming to all who share our core aims.

1.4 We are still learning (as an organisation and as individuals) what it means to have an equal, diverse and inclusive workplace. We are always open for feedback and opportunities for learning wherever we may need to improve. If you have any concerns/recommendations please get in touch with the People Circle.

1.5 Our aim is that our workforce is representative of a diversity of sections of society and that each employee feels respected and able to give of their best.

1.6 The Bristol Cable recognises that discrimination and victimisation is unacceptable and that it is in the interests of the cooperative and its members to utilise the skills of the total workforce. It is the aim of the organisation to ensure that no coordinator or job applicant receives less favourable facilities or treatment (either directly or indirectly) in recruitment or employment on grounds of race, colour, ethnicity, nationality or national origins, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation (the protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010).

1.7 If you feel you’ve been unfairly discriminated against, even if it’s not for something that is mentioned in the above paragraph, please get in touch with the People Circle.

1.8 We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination or victimisation. To that end, the purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness for all within the organisation.

1.9 All employees and members will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for role allocation, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability. All members of the team will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the team will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation.

1.10 Our team will not unlawfully discriminate directly or indirectly, or harass members and the public because of any of the protected characteristics in the provision of the organisation’s activities.

1.11 This policy and the associated arrangements shall operate in accordance with statutory requirements. In addition, full account will be taken of any guidance or Codes of Practice issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, any government departments, and any other statutory bodies.

1.12 This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment. It may be amended at any time by the organisation.

2. Our commitment

2.1 An equal opportunities, diverse and inclusive workplace is a collective task shared by employees and the Board.

  1. We will create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff are recognised and valued;

  2. Every employee is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated;

  3. Training, development and progression opportunities are available to all members of the team;

  4. We will promote equality in the workplace which we believe is good management practice and makes sense for organisational development;

  5. We will ensure that equal opportunities apply to all aspects of the working relationship including work-related social events, termination of employment and matters after termination including references;

  6. We will review all our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness;

  7. Breaches of our anti-discrimination policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings;

  8. The policy will be monitored and reviewed periodically.

3. Responsibilities of the employees

3.1 Responsibility for ensuring the effective implementation and operation of the arrangements will rest with the People Circle. Directors and employees will ensure that they and the team operate within this policy and arrangements, and that all reasonable and practical steps are taken to avoid discrimination.

3.2 The People Circle will ensure:

  1. Grievances concerning allegations of unlawful discrimination are dealt with properly, fairly and as quickly as possible;

  2. Proper records are maintained.

3.3 The People Circle and Directors will be responsible for monitoring the operation of the policy in respect of employees and job applicants.

3.4 Responsibility for ensuring that there is no unlawful discrimination rests with all employees and the attitudes of the team are crucial to the successful operation of fair working practices. In particular, all members of the coordinator team should:

  1. Comply with the policy and arrangements;

  2. Not discriminate unlawfully in their day-to-day activities or induce others to do so;

  3. Not victimise, harass or intimidate other staff or groups who have, or are perceived to have one of the protected characteristics;

  4. Ensure no individual is unlawfully discriminated against or harassed because of their association with another individual who has a protected characteristic;

  5. Inform the People Circle (who will then inform the People and Governance subgroup) if they become aware of any unlawful discriminatory practice.

4. Third parties

4.1 Third-party harassment occurs where a coordinator is harassed, and the harassment is related to a protected characteristic, by third parties, including members of the Bristol Cable.

4.2 The Bristol Cable will not tolerate such actions against its team, and the person concerned should inform the Lead of the People Circle (who will then inform the People and Governance subgroup). The Bristol Cable will fully investigate and take all reasonable steps to ensure such harassment does not happen again.

5.1 All employment policies and arrangements have a bearing on equality of opportunity. The organisation’s policies will be reviewed regularly and any discriminatory elements removed.

6. Rights of Disabled people

6.1 The Bristol Cable attaches great importance to the needs of Disabled people.

6.2 Under the terms of this policy, coordinators are required to:

  1. Make reasonable adjustments to maintain the services of an employee who is or becomes disabled, for example, training, provision of special equipment, reduced working hours. (NB: the People Circle is expected to seek advice on the availability of advice and guidance from external agencies to maintain Disabled people in employment);

  2. Include Disabled people in training/development programmes;

  3. Give full and proper consideration to Disabled people who apply for jobs, having regard to making reasonable adjustments for their particular aptitudes and abilities to allow them to be able to do the job.

7. Equality training

7.1 The People Circle will make sure the Anti-discrimination Policy is implemented and will assist with delivering training on equality issues. Equality information will be included in induction programme.

7.2 Training will be provided for employees on this policy and the associated arrangements. All coordinators and directors who have an involvement in the recruitment and selection process will receive training on the matter.

8. Grievance/Disciplinary

8.1 Employees have a right to pursue a complaint concerning unlawful discrimination or victimisation via the organisation’s grievance procedure. Staff who raise a grievance in good faith will be afforded confidentiality and also protected from victimisation.

8.2 Discrimination and victimisation will be treated as potential disciplinary offences and they will be dealt with under the organisation’s disciplinary procedure. Making a deliberately false allegation is also potentially a disciplinary offence.

8.3 In some cases staff can be personally liable for acts of discrimination, for example for an incident taking place outside of the workplace. Harassment can also amount to a criminal offence.

Authorisation and revisions

Created 1 June 2018

Revised by: Hannah Vickers, Julia Beasley and Mat Alborough, September 2021

Authorised by Coordinators: November 2021

Authorised by Directors: December 2021

Policies should be reviewed every 2 years, unless:

  • We approve a proposal that changes the policy

  • There’s a change to the organisation that will change the policy

  • There’s a change in the law that affects the policy.

Last updated

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